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As part of your role you should have completed the Open Future Learning module CCT induction for new staff which outlines basic responsibilities for medication. 

As a Key Worker you will have additional responsibilities that go beyond those mentioned in the induction module. Your actions ensure the People who you key work for have adequate medication that is administered in a manner that is free from error. 

The coming chapters will explore these responsibilities in greater detail. 

CCT has clear policy on the quantity of medication that is to be kept on site. 
Failure to adhere to this can result in medication events such as not having any medication to administer (too little) or having so much that it is open to abuse. 

This chapter will explore your responsibilities for medication kept on site.

Documentation plays a pivotal role in ensuring safe and effective medication administration within the disability sector. It serves as a critical tool for accurate record-keeping, communication, and maintaining transparency in care.

In this chapter we will explore how Medication documentation at CCT is kept consistent and the Key Workers role in maintaining this. 

Recording and documenting an individual's health in the disability sector holds immense importance as it serves as a comprehensive and essential tool for ensuring optimal care and support. 

This chapter will cover FlowLogic and documentation duties relating to a persons health and wellbeing. 

This chapter outlines daily, weekly, and monthly responsibilities of the Key Worker. 

Let's briefly recap everything we have examined in this module...
Introduction to Key Worker Medication responsibilities.
  • CCT induction for new staff which outlines basic responsibilities for medication. 

    As a Key Worker you will have additional responsibilities that go beyond those mentioned in the induction module. Your actions ensure the People who you key work for have adequate medication that is administered in a manner that is free from error. 

    The coming chapters will explore these responsibilities in greater detail. 
Medication on site.

  • Failure to adhere to this can result in medication events such as not having any medication to administer (too little) or having so much that it is open to abuse. 

    This chapter will explore your responsibilities for medication kept on site.
Medication Folder and Documentation.

  • In this chapter we will explore how Medication documentation at CCT is kept consistent and the Key Workers role in maintaining this. 
FlowLogic Duties.

  • This chapter will cover FlowLogic and documentation duties relating to a persons health and wellbeing. 
Tasks Checklist.
Welcome to the module: CCT Key Worker Competencies - Module 4: Medication

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
  • gain an increased understanding of medication management and the role of the Key Worker in relation to this.

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As part of your role you should have completed the Open Future Learning module CCT induction for new staff which outlines basic responsibilities for medication. 

As a Key Worker you will have additional responsibilities that go beyond those mentioned in the induction module. Your actions ensure the People who you key work for have adequate medication that is administered in a manner that is free from error. 

The coming chapters will explore these responsibilities in greater detail. 
Recording and documenting an individual's health in the disability sector holds immense importance as it serves as a comprehensive and essential tool for ensuring optimal care and support. 

This chapter will cover FlowLogic and documentation duties relating to a persons health and wellbeing. 
CCT has clear policy on the quantity of medication that is to be kept on site. 
Failure to adhere to this can result in medication events such as not having any medication to administer (too little) or having so much that it is open to abuse. 

This chapter will explore your responsibilities for medication kept on site.
This chapter outlines daily, weekly, and monthly responsibilities of the Key Worker. 
Documentation plays a pivotal role in ensuring safe and effective medication administration within the disability sector. It serves as a critical tool for accurate record-keeping, communication, and maintaining transparency in care.

In this chapter we will explore how Medication documentation at CCT is kept consistent and the Key Workers role in maintaining this. 
Let's briefly recap everything we have examined in this module...