I don’t see your disability!


To recognize that every person is unique and to respect each person’s differences define diversity and the mission of our new module. Watch this:



Co written by Charles Archer, Karyn Harvey, Roger Ramsukh and Dave Hingsburger this module features four very different perspectives on diversity. These perspectives will in turn explore how you can allow people to define who they are, how they lead their lives, what they need to be safe, and how your support can lead them to reach their potential in all that they do.


Learn more about all of our modules here.



Supported Decision-Making

The people you support can and should make decisions. This module will help you to learn how.

The relationship you have with the people you support is an intimate one. Over time you develop trust, respect and understanding. This module will help you to understand how you can support people to claim their voice so they can express their opinions, and make their choices.

This module includes video presentations from Michael Kendrick, Malia Carlotto, and Bob Fleischner.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

– Understand the different ways that people make decisions.

– Describe supported decision-making and how it works.

– Explain the support people will need to make their own decisions.

Module Length: 95 Minutes

Learn more about all of our modules here.