Dementia Explained

We are really excited to let you know that we have collaborated with leading dementia and intellectual disabilities expert Diana Kerr to produce “Dementia Explained.”

1 in 3 people with Down syndrome and 1 in 10 people with intellectual disabilities over the age of 50 have dementia.

This module is a great opportunity to make sure your staff can:

–  Explain what dementia means and describe the different types of dementia.

–  Understand how dementia affects people with intellectual disabilities.

–  Describe the changes in the brain that a person with dementia experiences.

–  Understand how changes in the brain impact the reality for people with dementia.

–  Identify the early signs of dementia and explain the importance of diagnosis.

–  Identify the early signs of dementia and explain the importance of diagnosis.

For more information visit our learning modules page here.


Slightly Inspirational Health and Safety Training

The words ‘inspirational’ and ‘health and safety’ may not sit easily together. But not many health and safety training courses feature contributions from leading thinkers like Dave Hingsburger, David Pitonyak, Dave Hasbury, and John Raffaele. This module will help to meet your regulatory requirements and because it is 100% dedicated to our field of work, it might just change the way you think about health and safety training.

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

– Understand the roles and responsibilities relating to health and safety in the workplace for yourself and others.

– Help the people you support to understand and be responsible for their own and other people’s health and safety.

– Describe the purpose of risk assessments and be able to conduct a basic assessment of risk.

– Demonstrate best moving and positioning practices.

– Appropriately respond to and manage accidents, sudden illness, and stress.

– Follow agreed ways of working regarding medication and healthcare tasks.

– Prevent the spread of infection, promote fire safety, and follow proper security measures in the work setting.

– Promote the well-being of the people you support regarding food safety, nutrition, and hydration.

Videos On Demand

Providing inspirational training to your staff just got a lot easier. You can now access our massive library of highly acclaimed short films and use them however and whenever you want.

–  Play any video at trainings, conferences, orientations, or team meetings.

–  Assign videos for staff to watch on their own.

–  Use our films however you want.

Search the entire library of films here.