Abuse Prevention By Dave Hingsburger

In collaboration with Dave Hingsburger Open Future offers abuse prevention training for support staff and for people who receive support.

Warning: Graphic images of abuse.

Our Staff Learning Module “Abuse Prevention” offers one of the only dedicated abuse prevention and safeguarding trainings that is truly specialized to the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This is not a generic human services or health and social care training. Expect passion, values, first-hand examples, and stories to underline the importance of keeping people safe.

In addition to our Staff Learning Modules we also offer Side by Side Learning Modules. The Side by Side approach allows support staff and the people they support to use some of the time they spend together, to learn together.

Learn more about all of our modules here.

With Open Future Learning your staff can:

– Learn values based practices from the most engaging thinkers in the field of developmental disabilities.

– Learn in groups while using only one seat on your membership.

– Use our Side by Side modules to learn alongside the people they support.

– Save money on in person training costs and turnover.

We don’t just provide professional development. Instead we teach your staff how to apply what they are learning to the life of the person they support. In turn you’ll see better lives for the people you support.

Want to see how this can work for your team? Take a Zoom demo of our site and then have 24 seats to our site for one month. No obligation. No contract of use. No cost. Click here to schedule your demo.

Person-Centered Supervision

Many of us know and understand the importance of being person-centered with the people we support. However, being person-centered should not begin and end with the lives of those we assist. This new module for leadership staff will help your organization to become a truly person-centered company. 

Watch this trailer to learn more:

Person-centered supervision puts your team members at the center of the conversation. This approach builds a foundation of shared trust, respect, and perspective-taking and supports an environment of performance achievement and well-being.

When team members know that you and the organization care about them and their development, they will want to remain a part of that organization. This module provides leaders with an opportunity to get to know your team members as people, not just employees.

Providers that use this approach report: Strengthened service quality and person-centered service delivery practices. More engaged team members. More productive team members working in line with strategic objectives. Reduced staffing costs in relation to turnover and personal leave.

This module features presentations from Gina Brelesky, Nancy Shea, and MaryBeth Witkop.

Email hello@openfuturelearning.org to schedule your Zoom demo of the Open Future site. After completing a demo your company will receive one month of complimentary access to our entire resource. No contracts ever.